September 23, 2006


It's an area not belonged to east coast, mid-west or west coast. It's an area that belongs to it's own. Northwest has their own pride. Here we care about the news from Boeing, big M and Canada Vancouver, but mentally and physically we don't pay attention to Bay area, though these two regions suppose to be tie-in because the joined industrial power they have.

There are different kinds of people in Northwest. Compared to multiculture in Texas and CA, it's relatively diversified- a very well-mixed salad bowl. It doesn't taste like chinese chicken salad, nor like tex-mex salad (though I like them both), here in northwest we have our own unique flavor and I'm gonna find out shortly.

ps. I saw Bill Gates days ago. Very exciting. He is such a hero in the industry. You can tell people are very much loving him.

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