September 06, 2006

He said, She said; Digital vs. Analog

Men ↑ vs. Women ↓

Men, are a kind of Digital. Only know On and Off, 0 and 1.
Tell him what to do and what not to do is much easier to ask him think about "what he should do."

Women, are a kind of Analog. It doesn't always mean we 100% agree with men's decision when we say Ok. It means "I kinda agree, but if you want my opinion, here is what I would do blah blah blah."
For women, there are different degrees of feelings and understanding.

If your girlfriend/wife seems alright today, it's not because she forgot yesterday's arguement but because her mood is getting back to a normal degree. She may bring yesterday's fight back if tomorrow you make a mistake again.

Women- No absolute On and Off; it's more about Up and Down.

I know, it's hard to understand what women want; more precisely speaking, you never know what we want. A safe way to handle women is, wisely observe our ups and downs and never, never do something wrong to triger woman's downs.

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